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Rico 3月 21, 2017



下图截自lucene spatial-extras包的org.apache.lucene.spatial.query.SpatialOperation

  • BBoxIntersects 几何范围(矩形)相交
  • BBoxWithin 几何范围(矩形)内含
  • Contains 包含
  • Intersects 相交
  • IsDisjointTo 相离
  • IsEqualTo 相等
  • IsWithIn 内含
  • Overlaps 重叠


Intersects returns t (TRUE) if the intersection does not result in an empty set. Intersects returns the exact opposite result of disjoint.



The intersects predicate(断定) will return TRUE if the conditions of any of the following pattern matrices returns TRUE.


The intersects predicate returns TRUE if the interiors of both geometries intersect(横断,横切,横穿 ;线条,道路等相交,交叉).


The intersects predicate returns TRUE if the boundary(分界线;范围;球场边线) of the first geometry intersects the boundary of the second geometry.


The intersects predicate returns TRUE if the boundary of the first geometry intersects the interior of the second.


The intersects predicate returns TRUE if the boundaries of either geometry intersect.

Disjoint 不相交

Disjoint returns t (TRUE) if the intersection of the two geometries is an empty set.


IsEqualTo 等于

Equal returns t (TRUE) if two geometries of the same type have identical X,Y coordinate values.


Overlap 重叠


Overlap compares two geometries of the same dimension(尺寸面积范围) and returns t (TRUE) if their intersection set results in a geometry different from both but of the same dimension.

Overlap returns t (TRUE) only for geometries of the same dimension and only when their intersection set results in a geometry of the same dimension. In other words, if the intersection of two polygons results in polygon, then overlap returns t (TRUE).


This pattern matrix applies to polygon/polygon, multipoint/multipoint and multipolygon/multipolygon overlays. For these combinations the overlap predicate returns TRUE if the interior of both geometries intersects the others interior and exterior.

Touch 一般是指边界相交


Touch returns t (TRUE) if none of the points common to both geometries intersect the interiors of both geometries. At least one geometry must be a linestring, polygon, multilinestring, or multipolygon.

任一几何体边界相交 或 其中一个几何体内部和其他的几何体的边界相交

Touch returns TRUE if either of the geometries’ boundaries intersect or if only one of the geometry’s interiors intersects the other’s boundary.

The pattern matrices show us that the touch predicate returns TRUE when the interiors of the geometry don’t intersect and the boundary of either geometry intersects the others interior or boundary.

The touch predicate returns TRUE if the boundary of one geometry intersects the interior of the other but the interiors do not intersect.

Cross 交叉

Cross returns t (TRUE) if the intersection results in a geometry whose dimension is one less than the maximum dimension of the two source geometries and the intersection set is interior to both source geometries. Cross returns t (TRUE) for only multipoint/polygon, multipoint/linestring, linestring/linestring, linestring/polygon, and linestring/multipolygon comparisons.

Cross returns t (TRUE) if the dimension of the intersection is one less than the maximum dimension of the source geometries and the interiors of both geometries are intersected.

This cross predicate pattern matrix applies to multipoint/linestring, multipoint/multilinestring, multipoint/polygon, multipoint/multipolygon, linestring/polygon, and linestring/multipolygon. The matrix states that the interiors must intersect and that at least the interior of the primary (geometry a) must intersect the exterior of the secondary (geometry b).

This cross predicate matrix applies to linestring/linestring, linestring/multilinestring, and multilinestring/multilinestring. The matrix states that the dimension of the intersection of the interiors must be 0 (intersect at a point). If the dimension of this intersection was 1 (intersect at a linestring) the cross predicate would return FALSE but the overlap predicate would return TRUE.



Within returns t (TRUE) if the first geometry is completely within the second geometry. Within tests for the exact opposite result of contains.

如果第一个几何体完全在第二个几何体中 ,第一个几何体的边界和内部不允许和第二个几何体的外部相交,2个几何体不能相等

Within returns t (TRUE) if the first geometry is completely inside the second geometry. The boundary and interior of the first geometry are not allowed to intersect the exterior of the second geometry and the first geometry may not equal the second geometry.

The within predicate pattern matrix states that the interiors of both geometries must intersect and that the interior and boundary of the primary geometry (geometry a) must not intersect the exterior of the secondary (geometry b).


Contains returns t (TRUE) if the second geometry is completely contained by the first geometry. The contains predicate returns the exact opposite result of the within predicate.


Contains returns t (TRUE) if the second geometry is completely inside the first. The boundary and interior of the second geometry are not allowed to intersect the exterior of the first geometry and the geometries may not be equal.

The pattern matrix of the contains predicate states that the interiors of both geometries must intersect and that the interior and boundary of the secondary (geometry b) must not intersect the exterior of the primary (geometry a).


相等(Equals): 几何形状拓扑上相等。
脱节(Disjoint): 几何形状没有共有的点。
相交(Intersects): 几何形状至少有一个共有点(区别于脱节)
接触(Touches): 几何形状有至少一个公共的边界点,但是没有内部点。
交叉(Crosses): 几何形状共享一些但不是所有的内部点。
内含(Within): 几何形状A的线都在几何形状B内部。
包含(Contains): 几何形状B的线都在几何形状A内部(区别于内含)
重叠(Overlaps): 几何形状共享一部分但不是所有的公共点,而且相交处有他们自己相同的区域。



    public static void main(String[] args) {
        File luceneDir=new File("/data/lucene");//lucene数据存放的路径
        Path path= Paths.get(luceneDir.getAbsolutePath());
        Directory indexDirectory= null;
        IndexReader indexReader = null;
        IndexSearcher indexSearcher=null;
        try {
            indexDirectory = FSDirectory.open(path);
            indexReader = DirectoryReader.open(indexDirectory);
            indexSearcher = new IndexSearcher(indexReader);//构造IndexSearcher
            BooleanQuery.Builder builder = new BooleanQuery.Builder();// boolean组合查询构建器
            WKTReader reader = new WKTReader();
            WKTWriter writer = new WKTWriter();
            String wktString="POINT(120.4464 30.2237)";//构建一个点
            Geometry bufferBefore;//JTS的Geometry
            try {
                bufferBefore = reader.read(wktString);
                 double BUFFER=2500;//缓冲250米
                 BUFFER=BUFFER/111000;//因为上面POINT(120.4464 30.2237)是4326坐标系,所以需要转换成度,这里111000也是大致的值,需要精确的值需要自己算
                Geometry bufferAfter = bufferBefore.buffer( BUFFER, 8, BufferOp.CAP_ROUND);
                wktString = writer.write(bufferAfter);//生成的这个缓冲器的wkt
            } catch (com.vividsolutions.jts.io.ParseException e1) {
            Shape shp;
            try {
                JtsSpatialContextFactory factory = new JtsSpatialContextFactory();//创建JtsSpatialContextFactory工厂类
                //spatial4j/jts实现的 SpatialContext: 用于获得距离计算Calculator以及解析形状等。其属于spatial4j包中,该包中还有各种Shape及判断各Shape间的相交情况。JtsSpatialContext(jts包)用于处理多边形等情况。
                factory.srid = 4326;// 赋予坐标系
                factory.autoIndex = true;// 对于通过 ShapeReader获取的jtsGeometry几何图形进行优化,自动索引
                // 根据srid不同获取不同的模型参数:4326采用椭球模型  sphere ,900913采用欧几里得平面坐标系flatPlane     不使用大地测量坐标系,而使用欧几里得平面坐标系进行计算maxiaohui
                String model = "sphere";//4326是sphere  900913是flatPlane
                factory.geo =true;//是否使用GeoHash进行索引  4326 true  900913 false

                final JtsSpatialContext ctx2 = new JtsSpatialContext(factory);//这样做只是为了创建一个Rectangle,下面的new RectangleImpl需要用到
                Envelope env = new Envelope(-180, 180, 90, -90);//900913是 new Envelope(-20037508.3427892, 20037508.3427892, 20037508.3427892, -20037508.3427892);
                factory.worldBounds = new RectangleImpl(env.getMinX(), env.getMaxX(), env.getMinY(), env.getMaxY(), ctx2);//为factory设置worldbounds,该属性来自父类SpatialContextFactory
                JtsSpatialContext ctx = factory.newSpatialContext();

                org.locationtech.spatial4j.io.WKTReader wktReader=new org.locationtech.spatial4j.io.WKTReader(ctx, new SpatialContextFactory());
                shp = wktReader.parse(wktString);
                String operationArgs ="Intersects";
                SpatialOperation operation = SpatialOperation.get(operationArgs);
                SpatialArgs spatialArgs = new SpatialArgs(operation, shp);

                SpatialPrefixTree spt = new GeohashPrefixTree(ctx, 23);//GeohashPrefixTree是SpatialPrefixTree的子类 第一个参数是JtsSpatialContext第二个参数是最大层级
                SpatialStrategy strategy = new RecursivePrefixTreeStrategy(spt, "Geometry");
                Query spatialQuery = strategy.makeQuery(spatialArgs);
                builder.add(spatialQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
//                Term term = new Term("Name", "杭州*");
//                Query query = new WildcardQuery(term);
                //builder.add(query, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
            } catch ( java.text.ParseException e) {
            Query query = builder.build();
            TopDocs docs=indexSearcher.search(query,10);
            for(ScoreDoc doc:docs.scoreDocs){//获取查找的文档的属性数据
                int docID=doc.doc;
                Document document =indexSearcher.doc(docID);
                String str="名称:"+document.get("Name")+",地址:"+document.get("Address")+",X:"+document.get("X")+",Y:"+document.get("Y")+" WKT:"+document.get("wkt");
        } catch (IOException e) {


我们将机场实际经纬度和查询点放到地图上直观 的看一下





下面截图来自JTS Geometry的API截图

buffer(double distance, int quadrantSegments, int endCapStyle)Computes a buffer area around this geometry having the given width and with a specified accuracy of approximation for circular arcs, and using a specified end cap style.



the number of line segments used to represent a quadrant of a circle


第三个参数: 端点样式有下面几种,圆弧形,粗的,平直的



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