Vanessa English Vocabulary Lessons 合集笔记

Advanced English Vocabulary Words and PhrasalVerbs

Vocabulary 词汇

phrasal verb 短语动词

idiom 习语;成语;惯用语

1 To Pick up



My 5 year old daughter picked up some bad habits when she visited our neighbor’s house


2 To be a Stretch


单字意思: stretching 伸展,延申 stretching is the kind of exercise that you do before you go running


so you’re already letting them know, i know is’s a big deal , i know that this is a lot to ask you and you’re adding that expression, i know that it’s a stretch



3 To Mark Off


it means you’re noting something as completed .

It’s the same as to check off something, you are marking it off

to mark off sth

to check off sth

to cross off sth


i feel satisfield when i mark off items from my to do list

4 To Give Away

泄露 ,透露一个秘密; 赠送;送出;背叛;

to give away sth 透露某事

give it away 透露

5 To Clash With Sth

This means that it doesn’t go with , it goes against something


means they don’t look good together .

They clash with each other

6 To Start Out With

This is used when you’re starting a series of events, So Other things are going to happen after that first event



ingredients 成分;(尤指烹饪)原料;(成功的)因素,要素

7 To Be Lame

lame通常是指某人不能行走。 但是这个短语里面它是指不酷,不好

该短语很常见 means sth not very cool

It’s lame of me to do this

Means not cool for me to do this

所以如果有人和你说了一件很糗的事,很逊的事,很suck的事,你可以回复Wow,that’s lame

8 To Go With Sth

chose sth 选择某事,做某事,着手干某事


这个短语是 另一种选择某事的说法

9 To Use Up


This means to use something completely , nothing left

10 To Jump Out At

this means it’s just easy to see something ,nothing is obvious

显而易见的,很容易发现的 ,很突出

如果老师问你问题,你想不出这个问题的答案,你可以回答: Nothing jumped out at me , i have no idea what the answer is .

so it means sth on the page is almost jumping out at you , so it’s easily visible


11 Hail Mary


final desperate change


This means a final desperate attempt to do something .

desperate 令人绝望的

在某个体育比赛,例如足球, 橄榄球,篮球, 比分一模一样,或者快要输了(绝杀类型的) ,运动员最后一投,最后一脚 ,最后一次尝试。那就是Hail Mary Change

Hail mary guess 你还有最后一次机会来猜

Hail Mary Change 你还有最后一次机会

After she broke up with him, he sent her flowers, chocolate, and a love note as a Hail Mary attempt to win her back.

12 A Toss -Up



toss (轻轻或漫不经心地)扔,抛,掷;甩

outcome: 效果,结果

predicted : 预言;预告;预报

It is unpredictable which one is going to be chosen

  1. I don’t know who’ll get the job – it’s a toss-up between Carl and Steve.

  2. I don’t know which team will win. Both have done so well this season that it’s a real toss-up.

  3. The game’s almost over, and it’s a toss-up.

  4. Both teams are playing so well. it’s a toss-up who will win

13 Early one

almost the same as “early”

It’s early on in the game. 这游戏才刚刚开始。 等于It’s early in the game

I knew early on tht this leasson would help my vocabulary grow 我在这节课的一开始就知道它会帮助我词汇增长

你可以说 I realized early on that this vocabulary video would help me improve

但是你不能说: I realized early that this video would help me ,这听起来有点奇怪

14 To Go On

to happen 但是有点不一样

It’s usually when something dramatic is happening or you kind of expcet that maybe something dramatic is happening

They have fist fights going on

Go outside and find out what is going on

15 By the Seat of Your Pants


without a clear plan

aviation 航空


I don’t have a plan, i’m doing it by the seat of my pants


我们今天要学的习惯用语都来自飞机的航行。五十年前乘飞机是件惊天动地的大事,但是今天坐飞机旅行已相当于家常便饭了。美国各航空公司每天都要载运一百多万名旅客。航空事业如今这样发达的一个原因是有了无线电导航系统,但是过去在没有无线电航空信标、雷达和空中交通管制人员的时候,飞行员是怎么寻找航线的呢?他是观看地面上的铁路轨道、河流和其它陆地标记来决定航线和航向的。但是如果他穿入云层或者雨区,地面上的东西被云雾遮挡什么都看不清了,那又怎么办呢?这时飞行员就只得根据自己的直感来猜测他座下的飞机该是在什么方位了。由此而产生了这个习惯用语: fly by the seat of one’s pants

大家也许早就知道pants是裤子,而seat在这儿是指裤子接触座位的部分。也就是裤子的臀部。飞行员的裤子当然不能为他的航向提供指点,fly by the seat of one’s pants其实是说他在茫无依据的情况下只得凭直觉猜测他座下的飞机该往哪儿开。这个习惯用语如今被用作比喻意义。我们来听个例子。这是个美国企业家在说他去越南开办企业的经历。

When I set up business in Vietnam I had to fly by the seat of my pants. I didn’t know anybody, couldn’t speak the language and had to learn the local business situation in a hurry.


换句话说他是在毫无客观依傍、茫无头绪的情况下硬著头皮上马,摸索行事的。所以to fly by the seat of one’s pants解释在没有客观依据、茫无头绪的情况下只得摸索行事。

当你忘记准备你的演讲,完全忘记的时候 ,你就可以这么说

I totally forget about my presentation, so i just flew(过去时态) by the seat of my pants

presentation 开场白,演讲 ;提交; 授予; 颁发; 出示; 提出(或展示、解释等)的方式; 展示会; 介绍会; 发布会

16 To Be Hit or Miss


to have unpredictable results

The singers new songs are really hit or miss. Some are amazing and some are just okay


17 On the Back Burner


to postpone or low priority 。 postponed 延迟;延期;展缓

推迟的或低优先级的 , 次要地位; 搁置; 从属地位;

back burner 次要地bai位;多眼炉子的后炉眼

Back就是后边,而baiburner在这儿的是指做饭的炉子。美国的厨房里,炉台上一般都有四个炉口,前面两个,后面两个。人们往往把很快能煮好的东西放在前面炉子上煮,把一些要慢慢煮的东西放在后面的炉子上。这就是to put on the back burner这个俗语的来源。下面这个例子是一个广告公司的老板在给会计下指示:

例句-1: Joe, I know you’re working on the Anderson contract, but let’s put it on the back burner for now. We need your help on the new Jones contract–it’s worth more than five million dollars

I’ll keep it one the back burner 我把它放到后面,推迟它


I fell like i’ve been on the back burner recently ,we really need to spend more quality time together

Let’s put that idea on the back burner and let’s focus on this other project first

18 To Be Clear Cut

This means it is completely free from doubt


That’s a pretty clear cut “no” . That means that there’s no doubt the answer is no

19 To Throw Off

mean’s to confuse someone or something


That word is throwing me off

The robber threw off the police by putting on a disguise


disguise: 假扮;装扮;伪装;掩蔽;掩饰; 伪装物;化装用具;假扮;装扮;伪装

20 TO Go Over Your Head

means that you don’t understand some kind of complex idea

All the hints are going over my head .

gesture: 手势 姿势;示意动作




Youtube: How-To-Start-A-Conversation-In-English-With-Anyone




What’ve you been up to lately (last weekend / recent holiday) ?



What do you have going on today ?

What’ve you got going on today ? = what have you got going on today


Do you have anything fun going on this weekend?

Do you have any plans for easter(复活节)? Not Much , what about you ?

注意这个问题在西方可能意味着你想要约ta,所以使用随意的语气,微笑,light tone

intonation 语调


strike up 搭讪 . strike 罢工,击,打击,走向,撞,触击


甲:Aww, what a cute dog. Do you come here often? 乙:Yeah, we try to . It’s a great place to walk.

甲:Aww, what a cute dog. Have ever been here before? 乙: Yeah , a lot . it’s a great place to walk.

甲:Aww, what a cute dog.乙,yeah ,he’s a swettie. 甲:Have you been in Asheville(地名) for a while? 乙:just two years ,what about you ?

甲:Aww, what a cute dog. do you live nearby?

有时候别人不回答你,不要丧气,也许他们并不是个好的conversationalist. try you beat.


practice and practice and repetition is what’s going to help you to really imorove that skill.

Simile is the best tool

Sometimes when we feel nervous, our face gets really serious and we forget to simle. But something happens when you smile, you start to loosen up ,you start to feel little more comfortable, and maybe you’ll be able to remember some of the sentences and quesions that we talked about .

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